When everyone has their own suitable slippers, they love it so much. After using the slippers for a long time, the surface loses its luster, and even become severely cracked and worn. But the owner still love to wear it. When he asked if it could be repaired, LEATHER PRO accept his entrusting without saying nothing ! !! !!

It can be seen from the photos that the difference before and after maintenance is very large. The cracks and wear on the pictures before maintenance are really serious. In any case, LEATHER PRO must repair it well. Because we are not only for repairing the most cherished things of the guests but also we hope that it can continue to accompany the owner for a lifetime. The heart of LEATHR PRO’s service, the guests know the best.

1-Clean Mousse
2-Leather Brightening Cream

1-Use one cotton cloth and some Clean Mousse to clean the surface.
2-Patch up color
3-Use a sponge or one cloth and some Leather Brightening Cream to polish the surface.

Please feel free to contact us.

※ With special finishing on color, Please call the professional LEATHER PRO.
※ Please must tell us getting the information from the fan page of Leather PRO or from official website .
